Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What is Favicon ? Where these lie in a Site ?

A favicon (short for favorites icon), also known as a website icon, shortcut icon, url icon, or bookmark icon is a 16x16 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage. A web designer can create such an icon and install it into a website (or webpage) by several means, and most graphical web browsers will then make use of it. Browsers that provide favicon support typically display a page's favicon in the browser's address bar and next to the page's name in a list of bookmarks. Browsers that support a tabbed document interface typically show a page's favicon next to the page's title on the tab.

The extension of fevicon image is fevicone.ico.

Now if you like to change your favicon or want to convert or generate your images or thumbnails into favicons or you are searching for favicon search directories directories you want to do any operation on favicons search favicon tag


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